GUE Fundamentals pool
GUE Basic Fundamentals



GUE Basic Fundamentals



The GUE Basic Fundamentals diving training course is GUE’s most popular scuba diving program and serves as a gateway into GUE training in Toronto, Ontario. It’s an excellent way to experience what GUE is all about, and everyone can benefit from it, regardless of their dive experience.

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The GUE Basic Fundamentals course is normally conducted over three days. It requires a minimum of six dives and at least twenty-four hours of in-person instruction, encompassing land drills and in-water work. Additional time is required for theory (conducted online and/or in-person).


To qualify for the GUE Fundamentals program, applicants must:

  • Be at least 16 years of age.
  • Be a non-smoker.
  • Be able to swim at least 275 meters in under fourteen minutes without stopping.
  • Be able to swim a distance of at least 15 meters on a breath hold while submerged.
  • Obtain a physician’s prior written authorization for use of prescription drugs or for any medical condition that may pose a risk while diving.
  • Be certified as an autonomous entry-level scuba diver (or equivalent) from a recognized training agency.
  • If using doubles during the course, have conducted at least 15 non-training dives in the GUE double tank configuration or hold a GUE Doubles Primer certification.
  • If using a drysuit during the course, have conducted at least 15 non-training dives in a drysuit or hold a GUE Drysuit Primer certification.
Fees and Terms:

The above fees are exclusive of diving expenses, which students will pay directly to the dive operator.  The operator expenses must be paid to the operator directly on the day of the course. All payments are non-refundable. Students pay for the training, and the certification must be earned. At the end of the course, the students will be evaluated and assessed as a Pass, Provisional, or Fail.

The registration fee (around 90 USD) must be paid directly to GUE from GUE’s website. Instructor’s diving and travel expenses are to be shared equally by all students.

Diving Expenses:
  • Please find below approximate estimates for the expenses related to diving. These amounts are to be paid directly to the corresponding parties:
  • Course Registration on GUE’s website: $95 USD
  • Pool session: To be confirmed if applicable
  • Drysuit Rental: $100 CAD per day, if applicable
  • Nitrox fees: $25 CAD per tank
  • Car fees: If the training site is located outside of Toronto or requires more than a 45-minute trip from Downtown Toronto, students are expected to cover the petrol fees.
  • Hotel fees: To be confirmed if travel is required, and the cost will be shared among all students.
  • Instructor Gas Fees will be shared among all students.

Additionally, please be aware that taxes are not included in the prices mentioned above and must be paid on top of the listed amounts.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to take your scuba diving skills to the next level. Enroll in the GUE Fundamentals Course today in Toronto, Ontario!


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