Discover Diving
Discover Diving



Discover Diving


Ready to experience the thrill of diving? Our Discover Diving program in Toronto is the perfect opportunity to try diving for the first time. This program, also known as Try Diving, is designed for people who have never dived before and provides a safe and fun introduction to the underwater world. Under the guidance of our experienced instructors, you’ll learn the basics of diving, including equipment use, safety procedures, and communication skills. With our focus on safety and quality training, you can trust that you’ll be in good hands throughout the experience. Enroll now and discover the beauty of the underwater world with GUE.

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The GUE Discover Diving program is created for individuals who would like to try diving in Toronto, Ontario but has no previous scuba diving experience. This is not a certification course but a discovery diving session with our GUE instructor that gives you a brief knowledge of what diving is all about, in the classroom and underwater.


This may be the best first step underwater to explore the underwater world that covers 80% of planet earth. After this session, you may be hooked and decide to register for the GUE Recreational Diver 1 (GUE’s Open Water Diving course).

  • Basic principles of diving
  • How the equipment works
  • How your body is affected by the pressure changes in the water.


  • Applicants for a GUE Supervised Diver program must:
  • Be a minimum of 14 years of age.
  • Be physically and mentally fit.
  • Be able to swim.
  • Obtain a physician’s prior written authorization for use of prescription drugs, except for birth control, or for any medical condition that may pose a risk while diving.


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